Many aquarist’s have been bit by the red bug, or the monti nudibranches or flatworms etc etc. In this article I will explain a few ways to prevent these mishaps.
Regardless of who you are buying your coral from or if they claim pest free it is always better to be safe than sorry. Whenever attaining a coral from a fellow reefer and especially from a LFS you must quarantine your new animal.
Having a separate tank for quarantine is vital to your success in housing stony or LPS corals. With all the new pests that are poping up its just not a good idea to risk your investment. Simply set up a tank that is reasonable in size and has appropriate lighting a flow to house you new animals for a few weeks before introducing them to your display tank.
1. DIP DIP DIP…Dip your corals in lugols or something similar prior to quarantine, This will rid of any flatworms and other unwanted parasites that may get introduced to your system.
2. Observe your new coral for around 1-2 weeks and note any symptoms you might see and watch for any unwanted pest’s.
3. Dip again prior to introducing to the main aquarium.
Some of the most prominent pest’s you will see are red bugs, monti eating nudibranches and acro flatworms. These are all very hard to eliminate although are not impossible but very frustrating. So do yourself a favor and quarantine any new corals you are putting into your system.
Dip products: Kent Marine Lugol’s Solution, Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure.
Medications for red bugs: Interceptor…This is a heartworm medication you can get from your veterinarian(yes you may get some questioning when you say its for your aquarium)
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