
Vertex Jumps into Calcium Reactor Market

We are proud to announce that we will be offering the Vertex RX Series Calcium Reactors.

These reactors will start out at a low price of $324.99 for the RX4 and up to $469.99 for the RX6 Duo Reactor.

The RX4 is toting some nice features with a nice sized bubble counter, Large Media chamber(14” x 4” Diameter) as well as a phosphate Media Chamber to counteract any phosphates that make pass through the media(7” x 3” Diameter).

Footpring on the RX4 is only Footprint 11" x 9½", with a height of 22" and a 21 watt power consumption. Rating is 180 gallons.

The RX6 Duo features 2 media chambers measuuring 14” x 4” and 10” x 3” Diameter for the second chamber. It also features the phosphate media chamber as well as a bubble counter and pulls 44 watts of power. Footprint 14" x 12", and height of 22" as well. This reactor is rated up to 325 gallons.


Full Frontal Lobotomy said...

I'm trying to find more info on the RX4...

Richard, can you post a link to the manaul?



Salty Supply said...

Sure I am emailing them about it today as I haven't received any information except specs.